

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to maintain your hearing aid

Hearing aid needs a special daily care to make sure it functions properly, also it's an electronic device and is costly.
Your audiologist will demonstrate and teach you how to maintain your hearing aid before they dispense it to you.

Make sure you will get your,
  • Warranty card -which is authorized by the audiologist and the purchase date on it
  • Dry box -keep your hearing aid when your not using it 
  • Soft dry cloth-to wipe your hearing aid
  • Wax remover -used to clean the ear wax from ear tips and tubes 
  • Forced air blower (depends on your hearing aid company)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


This post will help people who use their voice as a means of living ; we call them as professional voice users.

Which occupations are at risk ?
  • Teachers 
  • Singers
  • Lawyers
  • Bus conductors
  • Salesmen
  • Telephone operators
  • Politicians
  • Army officers
  • Monks
Why are only these professionals at high risk?
        Because above professionals use their voice for a living than general population.
For an example teachers: primary and secondary teachers are at high risk than the others, because they frequently have to raise their voice. Reason behind this is that the students are too young to understand a comment/task at first, so the teachers have to keep instructing them and guide them.

What are the causes for vocal disorders?
  • Misuse and abuse : singing out of range, frequent coughing, throat clearing, overuse of voice, poor hydration of vocal folds   
  • Medical problems: vocal fold surgery, gastritis, allergy, poor diet, infections in the throat, hearing loss, cancer
        Structural anomalies in vocal folds : nodules, polyps, sub-mucous cysts, rinke's edema, scars....
  • Environmental factors: performing in dusty, dry, smoky environment
  • Emotional factors:anxiety, stress, depression