

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The new generation is bombarded with all sorts of Electronic Media ( which includes TV,Mobile phones,Tabs). From streaming videos to the latest game apps, kids nowadays are technically advanced than kids of the past.
Adults must assure to say no, or shorten the time period they spend with these items,specially if your child is under 2 years of age. One should know that it is a critical stage when a child's brain & language acquisition takes  place.
Researchers  have found that there is an association with a decrease in the number and length of child vocalization when the number of hours watching television increase.Some of these reductions are likely due to child being left alone in front of the television.

Do you remember how your childhood was? If not ask your parents or your grand parents..However,as our grandparents always say,they lived at a time where they didn't have electronic devices in-front of them.They were happy and full of spirit,creative and energy...
Do you want your child to have good memories like that? I'm sure you will say "Yes,of course"
I believe that parents have a big role in this. Therefore, they should have good parenting skills and be willing to learn more about how technology impacts a child's growth.

Top concerns parents might want to keep in mind.

1. Delay in speaking in most of the children
Remember that communication is always two ways.(When I  speak someone will reply)
But in TV it's always only one way communication, there wont be any input from the child because conversation take place in the television with there dialog.

2. Poor pragmatic skills
Pragmatic means Social use of language,like how we use to maintain a conversation 
Greet each other by Hi/Hello
Informing,requesting and so on
when there is no input from the child in communication,it will leads to poor social usage of language.

3. Behavior issues
Children who might have short attention span along with hyperactivity tend to end up having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
It will impact a child directly if they tend to watch harmful conflicts while they stream online or watch TV/Movies and leads to aggressive behavior,

4. Social and emotional issues 
Since the child watches emotions of somebody else on TV, the child might have difficulty expressing and understanding others feelings in real life which will reduce a chance of a child to develop empathizing skills

5. Other health issues 
Technology is also a reason for over weight and sleep issues in children and adults

Tips for managing your kid's screen time

As a parent ,think why your kid is always in front of the screen?Most of the time, it is because you're busy and you have less time to spend with your kids.As a solution you introduce TV,Mobile for them, thinking kids will be happy,stay in one place and that they won't make any noise.If you think in that way let me remind you that you are wrong and you are destroying your kids future without your knowledge.

1. Spend more time with your kid

Spare some time to  talk to them,tell stories,play with them.You can comment about your day today activities even-though they don't understand any thing(self talk) -These techniques are called Language Stimulation Techniques.

Be creative,during instances like bathing: You can use comments to let them know about the steps of it " Okay Kate now we are going to take a bath. What do you need? Yes, we need soap.....

2. Monitor your screen usage as a parent
It is your responsibility to control the devices that your kid uses. They learn by example.Therefore you have to be a role model to them,reduce your screen usage at least in front of them.

3.Do not propelled to buying their own device.

As a parent. wait till their proper age to get them devices as a gift. Giving their own device at a younger age would not be recommended.You have to wait it is for there good.

4.Set a time limit
If you want to give a device to your kid give them a time limit.Use it as a reward. Use conversations like , "If you do your home work, you can use the tab/mobile for 10 min" . This way you can be fair to the child whilst appearing to give them the advanced items that their friends also uses. 

5. Try to make it productive
If the kids need to watch the TV, then there are some things you can do while they are watching it.
Firstly it's better to keep them under an adults supervision which means that we should be communicating to them even during the time they are engrossed in the TV.
We can use a a language stimulation technique called "Parallel talk",this means that the adult describes the surroundings of the kid or anything that is taking place during that time to the kid whilst emphasizing/vocal highlighting on important words.
Ex: While Kate watches TV the adult can say "Kate look the doggy is coming here and now he is running  fast......."
The words that are in bold are the key words which the adults need to emphasize by changing the voice and highlight during the vocalization. With these techniques we can improve the vocabulary of the kid.

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