

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The new generation is bombarded with all sorts of Electronic Media ( which includes TV,Mobile phones,Tabs). From streaming videos to the latest game apps, kids nowadays are technically advanced than kids of the past.
Adults must assure to say no, or shorten the time period they spend with these items,specially if your child is under 2 years of age. One should know that it is a critical stage when a child's brain & language acquisition takes  place.
Researchers  have found that there is an association with a decrease in the number and length of child vocalization when the number of hours watching television increase.Some of these reductions are likely due to child being left alone in front of the television.

Do you remember how your childhood was? If not ask your parents or your grand parents..However,as our grandparents always say,they lived at a time where they didn't have electronic devices in-front of them.They were happy and full of spirit,creative and energy...
Do you want your child to have good memories like that? I'm sure you will say "Yes,of course"
I believe that parents have a big role in this. Therefore, they should have good parenting skills and be willing to learn more about how technology impacts a child's growth.

Top concerns parents might want to keep in mind.

1. Delay in speaking in most of the children
Remember that communication is always two ways.(When I  speak someone will reply)
But in TV it's always only one way communication, there wont be any input from the child because conversation take place in the television with there dialog.