

Friday, January 27, 2017


Ageing  stereotyping and discrimination on the basis of a person's age. Ageing is widespread and insidious practice which has harmful  effects on the health of older adults.in simple it is the process of becoming older.

What happens with ageing?

  • There are changes to the brain size,vasculature and cognition
  • Brain shrinks with increasing age and there are changes at all levels from molecules to morphology.
  • Incidence of stroke
  • Dementia (memory loss)
  • Changes in levels of hormones and neurotransmitters

Social and environmental changes during ageing

 -Health - 
As we grow older, we become more likely to develop health problems. Someone who has been healthy most of his life may struggle with accepting health problems as he gets older.

-Mobility - 
Those who are inactive and/or have health problems may experience declines in strength, endurance, and mobility. These may limit daily activities.

 We process and retrieve information in different ways as we grow older. For example, we may take longer to recall information. Such changes are usually slight. 
However, stress, medication interactions, depression, dementia and a number of other conditions can cause serious memory problems. Those change in memory should be evaluated by a physician.

-Death of spouse, other family, and friends- 
One of the most difficult changes is loss of significant people in one`s life.

 -Home and personal belongings  
Moving/Shifting houses is difficult at any age, but it can be especially difficult for someone older. One may be leaving a home of several decades or moving into a smaller home that can’t accommodate all of one’s personal possessions. The loss of familiar surroundings or things requires adjustment.

Incomes usually decline at retirement. Since older people don’t know how long they’ll live or what their expenses will be, they may be reluctant to spend money and/or worry about their financial security.

-Physical changes in vision, hearing, and other senses-
All of our senses tend to change with age. Such changes may be especially disruptive for those who have never experienced sensory loss.

                                     The changes that many older adults experience can affect how they see their lives. Many feel that they have lost their independence. 

Experience a loss of self-esteem
May lose a clear image of who they are at this time in their lives. So many changes and adjustments can lead to a lack of confidence in their ability to live a meaningful life and continue to make valuable contributions to the community.  And there may also be a sense of loss of the respect of others

Key Fact

  • Between 2015-2050 the population of the world's population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22%
  • By 2020 the number of people aged 60 years and older will outnumber children younger than 5 years 
  • All countries face major challenges to ensure their health and social systems are ready to make the most of this demographic shifts.

Different task and skills that they can practice to keep themselves cognitive fit and active

Include physical activity in daily routine
physical activity increase blood floor to whole body,including the brain, this might keep there memory sharp

Eat a healthy diet
A heart healthy diet might benefit the brain.Add more fruits,vegetables and whole grains,choose low fat protein sources.
Too much alcohol,smoking lead to confusion and memory loss so avoid those behaviors

Stay mentally active
 Mentally stimulating activities help keep your brain in shape and might at bay.Do crossword puzzle,play a game of chess,take alternate routes when driving,learn to play musical instrument

Be social
 Social interaction helps wards off depression and stress.which can contribute to memory loss,look for opportunities to get together with loved ones,friends and others

For older people, ageing is an everyday challenge. Overlooked for employment, restricted from social services and stereotyped in the media, ageism marginalizes and excludes older people in their communities 

Ageing is every where and non of them talks about it ,thinking that it's common for all so it's not widely counted as the other social problems.

But every one talk about it when there children drop them to a senior housing/community center/Old-aged home or media portrays  all old peoples as "Frail" and "Dependent"

these attitude and actions lead to feel isolated and unimportant of older people within our communities and have negative impacts on their health and well-being.


                                                        Special thanks to 


  Aditi Ravikumar
(Speech Language pathologist)