

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Today I’m going to talk more about the different types of hearing aids that a person with a hearing difficulty can use,you can't wear a hearing aid as you like,

An Audiologist is a person who can dispense a hearing aid for you,

However, the type of hearing aid is not the only parameter that audiologists  focuses on  before dispensing a hearing aid. Age,type of the hearing loss,degree of hearing loss,economical statuses…all of them matters

1) Body Worn Hearing Aids

These are the largest type of hearing aids.As implied by their name, they are worn somewhere on the body in a pocket,pouch around neck or on the belt.The receiver usually plugs into an earmold custom made for the individual’s ear canal and concha.

·             The circuitry is analog and may be linear(1:1) or compression.
·              Uses AA batteries which have a battery life of approximately 4 weeks
·              Has a volume wheel
·              Optional features of a telecoil(to hear the magnetic siganl naturally genetare in an older          telephone),and direct auditory input (DAI)
·            Omnidirectional microphone only


  •          Earmold does not distort the cartilage of the ear
  •         Controls are easy to manipulate
  •         Appropriate for all types of hearing loss
  •          Highest power available, for severe and profound losses
  •         Feedback is less of a problem because of the separation of the microphone and speaker


  •  Cumbersome for the parent to place, remove, and use the body aid with infants 
  • Rustling of clothing and body noise are amplified   
  • Although amplification may be routed to one or both ears, the body aid can only be set for the hearing loss of one ear.
  •  Difficulty in localization 
  • Body baffle effect( Body act as a barrier to pass the sound)    
  • Inconvenience of a cord going from the body aid in your pocket
  • cloths noise and wind noise 
  • Old technology 
2)Behind The Ear Hearing Aids (BTE)
  • The next smallest type of hearing aid is behind the ear aids which are the largest of the
  • common types of hearing aids. 
  • This device has a module that fits behind the ear
  •   The hearing aid fits over and behind the ear, so there is a great amount of flexibility as to what size or type of earmold fits in the ear or ear canal
  • Ear molds can be made of hard of soft materials,can be modified or changes at will and for less expense that remarking the shell of an  in the ear type aid
  • Can be used for severe and profound hearing losses
  • Feedback is less likely 
  • Sometimes less expensive than in the ear type aid
  • More option can be selected such as connection for assistive listening  devices,and more recently,attachments for bluetooth technology
  • Larger controls and battery size are available 
  • Some people find having a hearing aid that must go both in their ear (the mold) and behind their ear (the aid) to be cumbersome and difficult to put on and use.
  •  BTEs are more visible for those without much hair
  •  BTEs can be more inconvenient for physically active people
  • BTEs are more susceptible to mositure and perspiration damage 


  •      currently, there is a trend in the hearing aid industry toward smaller and more discreet hearing aids, including the recent development of open fit hearing aids (also known as open ear hearing aids). 
  •     Open fit hearing aids have one major limitation, however; they are not appropriate for many people with a more severe hearing loss
  •        Best used by those with high frequency hearing loss and normal low frequency hearing. 

  •     Help 90% or more of hard-of-hearing  
  •     Low visibility    
  •     Get an instant fit as no custom step required 
  •      Improved ear ventilation
  •      Natural low freq sounds enter ear
  •      Greatly reduced occlusion effect
  •     High freq AND/OR low freq boosted
  •     High power o/p possible if needed
  •     Very comfortable fit
  •     Same day fitting possible
  •      Ideal all Mild to Severe hearing loss
              The Fitting Range
  •     For a wide range hearing loss would be a maximum of 60dB in the low frequencies
  •     80dB in the high frequencies.


  •    Most ITE aids are custom devices,with the components built into a shell made from an impression of the user's ear
  •      ITE aids are further divided into full concha & Half concha
  •      Full concha aid fills the entire concha, and is the most common type 
  •   Patients with greater than 70 dB hearing loss may experience feedback problems with  ITE devices, because the microphone is adjacent to the receiver.

  •      Has better retention in ear since it can lock in place in the outer ear.
  •      Room for a large vent, to reduce occlusion.
  •     Room for advanced circuitry and circuit options   
  •       Easier to handle and adjust
  •         Usually less expensive the canal aid or CIC 

  •      ITEs are in the ear, but they can be seen easier than the ITC and CIC
  •      Higher repair rate than BTE, because of wax getting into speaker


  •      In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid is similar to the ITE device, except the components are small enough to fit entirely within the external auditory canal.
  •       ITC hearing aids are custom-molded  
  •       High cosmetic appeal
  •          Reduced gain / output requirements.
  •       Cosmetically more appealing
  •       Greater high frequency gain
  •        Improved performance in noise

  •         More prone to repairs when compared to BTE
  •     Maximum output is less when compared to BTE therefore cannot aid severe degree of hearing loss
  •         Difficulty in inserting and removing specially for patients with dexterity problems


  •     The CIC hearing aids were introduced in early nineties and have succeeded the ITC as the tiniest, least visible hearing aid

            Small and discreet for cosmetic purposes
  •  ·    Efficient in delivery of high frequencies. (Outer ear collects and focuses high frequency sound waves to the opening of the ear canal).
     ·         You may be able to use a telephone or headsets normally, because the aid is recessed in the ear.
  •      Sound can be reproduced without driving the speaker into distortion, as speaker is near the eardrum      
  •      Most expensive ,because of small size .
  •     Usually too small to having a volume control that can be used while in the ear.
  •     Not appropriate for severe to profound hearing losses. 
  •     Not appropriate for high frequency (ski-slope) type hearing loss. (Too much occlusion)
  •     Not suggested for children, as their ears grow too fast
  •    Difficult to use and operate for persons with dexterity or eyesight problems.(Small size and battery)
  •      Highest repair rate compared to other hearing aid types. 

Friday, July 24, 2015



What is a Hearing aid?  
Now a days its an electronic device that is able to makes some sounds louder so that a person with hearing difficulty, can listen,communicate and Participate more fully in daily activities

                For an example think of an assembly,microphone will pickup the sound and it send the amplifier to increase the sound of the original sound,we can hear the sound via a Loud speaker.Same circuit is used inside the hearing aid with lots of modification  

Should we afraid/shy to use a Hearing aid?
Not at all
Why? Because 
  • It's Wearable like a spectacle 
  • Easy to use
  • Improving the hearing & speech comprehension

What is the Main function of a Hearing Aid?
Hair cells are responsible for hearing,They are located deep inside the ear.If any damage Occurs to hair cells,it results in hearing loss.This is when  hearing aid come to action. The role of hearing aids is to amplify sound  vibrations entering the ear. Surviving hair cells detect the larger vibrations and convert them into neural signals that are passed along to the brain. The greater the damage to a person’s hair cells, the more severe the hearing loss, and the greater the hearing aid amplification needed to make up the difference.

**An Audiologist is a trained professional in fitting and dispensing a hearing aid.Kindly consult your nearest Audiologist for hearing related needs**

Hearing aids generally improve the quality of life and will help you
  • Get a better relationship with your family
  •                 Feel better about yourself
  •          Get better mental health
  •            Feel more independent and secure
  •           More able to participate in social gatherings

      A hearing aid consist of

      Volume control

Types of Hearing Aid

**More details on my next post **

Monday, July 13, 2015


Speech Sound Development Chart

Most of the parents complain that there child does not speak or its delayed. Usually child will speak his/her 1st meaningful word by at the age of 1-1.4 years.Word are consist with different sound so lets check out which sounds develop first. 

A i mention above today we are talking about at which particular speech sounds are used at what particular age.Researchers have studied larger groups of children & they summarize what is typical of an average child at a particular age

In this Diagram they mainly talk about the consonants (Speech sounds that is not a vowel) 

Below Speech sounds are given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA),but you can understand it with the example given there

References: Templin, M.(1957). Certain language skills in children.Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press.

Friday, July 3, 2015



"The term ASD/PDD is an umbrella term which refers to a broad group of neurobiological and neurodevelopment disorders.They are characterized by  impairments in social interaction, communication skills and presence of repetitive behaviors"
                                                                -AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA (1995)-

  • We can diagnosed a child with autism only after  18 month of age

 Autism is characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in  3 main  areas development

  •       Social interaction
  •      Communication skills
  •      Stereotyped/Unusual behavior

 Severity can be varies on a spectrum of mild to severe

           Social interaction

  • Lack of interest in interaction with peers
  • Absence of facial expressions and body language
  • Poor eye contact with people
  • May not demonstrate emotional attachments to family members & friends
  • May not seek approval from adults or peer
  • Poor play skills(Pretend or social play)

  • Speech and language are profoundly disordered
  • Difficulty expressing basic wants and needs
  • Fail to maintain topics of conversation.
  • Produces language that is stereotypical,  repetitious or idiosyncratic.
  • Echolalia (repetition of another person's spoken words)
  • Poor vocabulary development
              Stereotyped/Unusual behavior
  • Flapping arms
  • Extra attention to particular music or sound
  • Problems dealing with changes in routine
  • withdraw
  • Using objects in unusual ways (toy car,child only play with wheels or any other small object on it)
  • No fear of real dangers
  • Feeding difficulties(selects foods,refusing certain food textures)
                 CAUSES OF AUTISM 
§Genetic cause
§Neurological causes
§Brain lateralization dysfunction
§Brain systems that control arousal
§Dysfunction of other brain mechanism
§Biochemical abnormalitie
•doesn't play a role means not yet scientifically proved 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


 There are three parts in the ear
  1. Outer Ear
  2. Middle Ear
  3. Inner Ear
 Today we are talking about a  condition which can occur in the outer ear,it includes pinna,auditory canal,some of them are consider eardrum(Tympanic membrane) belongs to middle ear. Most disorders of the outer ear are easy to observe, respond to treatment, and usually do not cause significant hearing loss.

  What does a Collapsed Ear Canal mean?
  • Especially seen in elderly population
  • Results when the tissues lining the ear canal have become very soft.
  • May or may not cause hearing loss in majority of cases 
  • It’s possible that the pressure will totally collapse the ear canal, and you are actually causing a hearing loss.
  • When a audiogram is taken a conductive hearing loss pattern can be seen (usually greatest
    loss in the higher frequencies)
  • This can easily be prevented, by using insert earphones.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


                             Typical child will speaking his/her "First word" by the age of 12-14 months."First word" need to be a meaningful word. For an example if the child say "mom" for all the females we can't consider it as a meaningful word.Child must say "mom" only for his/her mother.

Most of the children follows a common pattern in development. We cab divide it in to 4 section.Under each section there are subsection few of those section can be present or not.Parents must be aware of there child is following this.

                           Stages of Development

         1. Prelinguistic (0 - 1 years) During this

• Reflexive vocalizations
• Cooing
• Vocal play
• Babbling (sounds Like Ba,Pa)

       Prelinguistic helps the child to speak the 1st word,also help the child to develop the oral-motor skills. In this stage child will make some meaningless sounds when they hear there own sound they keep trying to make new sounds.

       If that child having a hearing loss they will stop cooing so parents need beware of the child's communication skills and changes.

2.  First Words (1 - 1.6)
  • Whole-word strategy
  • Unanalyzed "wholes"
      First meaningful word (Eg: Only for the mother child should say 'Mom' then it become a meaningful word, some kids use to call mom for other female in that case we can't consider "Mom" as a meaningful word) will achieve in this stage.

3.Phonemic Development (1.6 - 4)
  • 50 word vocabulary
    When your child achieve his/her first word since then they will learn new words continuously. At the age of  3.5-4 years they should have a vocabulary of 2000.

4.  Stabilization
  •     Acquisition of later sounds
        Not all the sound achieve suddenly it's a process,few sounds will learn at the age of 6 years.You can find out in this link https://dishanlk1.blogspot.com/2015/07/speech-sound-development-chart-today-we.html

    If your child is unable or late ,to meeting above milestones better to consult a Speech language pathologist.