

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Puberphonia (Mutational falsetto)

Isn't it an interesting question to probe why some boy's end up having girls voices?Have you ever met some one like that? 

It is one of the most intriguing yet a highly confusing voice disorder which takes place during adolescence that many of you might not be aware of it.It happens as a consequence of boys larynx not achieving the expected adult dimensions during puberty.A patient with puberphonia will have their pre-pubertal voice after adolescences.

During puberty,vocal fold length and mass will increase and pitch decrease but few of them are unable to switch to the new low pitch,Therefore,we call this  condition as puberphonia

Voice characteristic
  1. High pitch 
  2. Breathy
  3. Hoarse

It is mostly seen in boys.Usually males have a low pitch females have a high pitch.However,in this case males will have a high pitch which is similar to a female voice.

This can we vise-versa but it won't effect much in females because they have high pitch in nature.

The Social consequences for males who exhibits Puberphonia are many.

  • Often though of as being effeminate,passive and immature and frequently endure much teasing from friends,schoolmates,co-workers...  
  • Sexual confusing over the phone (Caller may mistakenly identify person with puberphonia as his mother or sister)
  • Distress at the failure to develop a mature voice because of the social consequences 

How to over come Puberphonia??? 

worry not,In most of the cases Puberphonia can be easily treated by voice therapy given by a professional speech language pathologist.


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