

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Simple & Effective Speech activities that every mother should do

Strategies for Indirectly Stimulating Language

Most of the children speak their first meaningful word at the age of 1-1.4 years of age. child's 1st word will be a happy news for all the parents but in some kids utterance of the first word will be delayed, In that case we need to consult a Speech pathologist for more guidance. 

Today I will teach you very basic but more powerful therapy techniques that every parent can try at home while they take  speech therapy from a speech language pathologist. Don't forget that as a parent you will be spending more time with your child than the speech therapist, so use that time effectively at home.
Things that you need to keep in mind: it is a child-centered strategies so,
  • Do not pressure the child to provide a response 
  • Parents have to use simple, short phrases to describe each action/object while interacting with the child
Now you may think what is so special in this method.Yes it is so special, when you are keep speaking to the child, those information will get stored in child's brain.What we have to do as parents is, we have to keep producing  that information (introducing new words). If you are thinking your child's not listening to what you are speaking, you are wrong; your child is always smart, keep that in mind.

As parents,you must have some patience and keep talking/stimulating your child. It is a 100% sure strategy to be used . Now let’s check out the techniques

     1Self talk

This method is  best used with children of age 1-2 years
Parents/Care-taker have to talk about their own actions as it occurs while the child is listening/watching. It's exactly like a commentary.

Eg: In the kitchen when the mother is cooking she can say " i wash vegetables then cut it and put into pan finally i on the stove 

Likewise parents can use any situation such as bathing,playing...etc.always while keeping in mind that the child doesn't need to engage in a conversation. Adult have to keep talking and give more input.

   2) Parallel talk

Parallel talk is a way of putting speech into action without requiring the child to say anything. This method describes actions 
Talk about every other thing or maybe comment every 10 times or so not every time. Emphasize comment by repeating it by varying the voice. Common prepositions could be emphasized in repetition. Partners have to use simple sentences to make them understandable to the child.Don't worry about the grammar for the time being.

  3) Expansion

Parents have to focus on what the child says and then they need to expand in to a sentence.

Eg: Child says "Mommy Dog"
       Mother says " Yes there is a Dog"
In this method parents need to work on grammar as well.

  4) Extension 

In this method we  expand and add more information about the related topic.

Eg: Child says :"Mommy Dog"
       Mother says : "Yes there is a Big Dog "

With these activities we try to work on the child's vocabulary and try to increase the neural connection in the brain 

Above  techniques will work  for your child if your child have delay speech or not. This method can be used with any child.Parents need be alert and spend more time your child during the age of 1 year to 4 years because that is the Critical time duration which the speech and language development takes place.

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