

Friday, May 13, 2016


Communication aids are also known as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).The main aim of using an ACC is to communicate his/her needs,wants,ideas... 

ACC feather divided in to 2 types
1) Aided 
2) Un- Aided 

Aided ACC require tools,equipment,circuit, aided Aided communication method can range from paper & pencil to a Voice out put device
Again we can divided in to

  • Low tech ACC : Defined as those that do not need batteries,electricity or electronics
          Letters,Words,Picture,Symbols,communication board......

                                                                    -Communication board-

  • High tech AAC : Use electronic devices
          Speech generating devices (SGD) or Voice output communication aids (VOCA)
                                                        - Stephen Hawking the with his ACC-

Un-Aided systems are those that don't need an external tool. It can be a gesture,facial expression,Vocalization or a sign language

                                                           -using sign language-

Who are the candidate for using an AAC?

Any person who have, 
  • Speech and Language impairment.
  • It includes patient with Aphasia, Cerebral palsy,Autism ,Acquired condition such as   amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson's disease

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